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Not Just an Orgy
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An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Not Just an Orgy
Not Just an Orgy Copyright © 2009 Sally Painter
Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower.
Cover art by Syneca
Electronic book Publication April 2009
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Not Just an Orgy
Sally Painter
Chapter One
Alexia Wrightman knew she was in trouble the moment Haden Tate’s demanding lips touched hers. Her pulse throbbed. She had to remind herself to stay focused on the reason she was there. It had taken three months to charm him into this date. Every night during those months she’d pretended to be a thrill-seeker determined to be his next most-willing conquest.
And here she finally stood on the precipice of uncovering the truth about the club, River Rat, and its rumored private room, and all she could think about was how good he tasted—a hint of wine mingled with spicy hot. She wanted more. Excitement pounded through her, yet it wasn’t because she was so close to landing the biggest story of the century. The tingling sensations racing down her back were because of the man. Not his naughty secret.
She tugged from his kiss, gasping for air. The last thing she wanted to do was sabotage herself by allowing this sexy man to distract her beyond all reason. And the way he kissed…such firm soft lips…
Focus! The mission was to ferret out the rumor of a mysterious secret room called The Sanctuary where he held private orgies. Only a handful of nightclub patrons were invited to enter and tonight she’d just become one of the lucky few. She was alone with Haden. The man of her dreams. The man she’d wanted for her own ever since she’d first seen him months ago. The mysterious club owner who could have any woman he wanted and he’d chosen her.
“Don’t you like kissing me?” he asked, and tilted her chin to receive another one.
Firm lips covered hers. Groaning, Haden trailed his fingers down the column of her neck, dipping over the exposed mounds of her breasts. His touch scorched her flesh and her breath caught in her throat as he fingered the bodice edge of her dress. She sensed his longing to plunge his hand beneath the silk and tease her nipples into hardened buds, and held her breath, waiting…
Anticipation trembled all the way to her toes. She was on fire and rubbed against him, writhing under the excited pulses throbbing to her clit. Her nipples ached for his touch and when his fingers finally brushed over the silk bodice, her heart slammed against her chest. A low moan vibrated in her throat. He stroked her, rubbing his thumb in circles to tease her nipples. A streak of pleasure shot to her clit.
Alexia broke from the kiss again and her head fell back against the steel door. She was tempted to remove the rhinestone barrette from her hair and end this charade, but the hair clamp concealing the mini-spy cam was her only protection should things get out of control. She wondered what her cohort Ollie Underwait was able to see through the scope of the lens. Right now, probably the ceiling.
Haden pressed kisses over her cheek, working his way down her neck to the cleavage of her breasts rising above the bodice. She didn’t look down, not wanting her best friend on the other end of the hidden camera to witness her succumbing to Haden’s skillful seduction. She was lost in a riot of delightful sensations.
Her fingers caressed his strong muscled back beneath the crisp dress shirt. All concerns about Ollie vanished. All desire to prove her journalistic skills seemed unimportant. She nuzzled Haden and he lifted his head. At that moment she only cared that her wildest fantasy was coming true.
“Haden,” she panted, and he stopped kissing the fleshy mounds and straightened.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered in a deep silky voice that made wet heat dampen her panties. His brown eyes darkened with desire and fire lashed at her throat. He leaned down to kiss her and she was lost once more. His tongue teased her lips open and slipped between them inside her mouth. God, he felt so good. She combed her fingers through his black hair, marveling how soft it felt.
The door vibrated against her back as the pounding music grew louder. Wild and unleashed. Haden tightened his arms around her. The urgent need to feel him inside her threatened the last thread of Alexia’s self-control. She glided her hand down his back and cupped his firm buttock, grinding her pelvis into him.
She hadn’t expected this. It was as though he’d cast a spell over her and she struggled to stay alert. She reminded herself this was to land a job, something she’d not done since graduating college six months ago. Tonight would deliver the story guaranteed to win the coveted reporter position with the hottest rag ever published, the Savannah Rising Times. She could see her new column’s opening line.
I crashed Haden Tate’s private orgy and enjoyed every tantalizing moment of his lovemaking.
Her heartbeat quickened. If this story was as scandalous as she suspected, it would explode beyond local to national and even world news. She reined in the growing excitement. And she would enjoy every moment of his seduction. Her nostrils prickled with his scent of crisp fall air and sandalwood. A tiny moan slipped past her lips. She broke from his kiss, gulping for air.
She lifted her stare up six feet of the sexiest man she’d ever met. When she was introduced to him, Alexia had been captivated by his inexplicable magnetism. Was it charisma? Or was it something else? She’d never experienced such a connection to anyone and was immediately mesmerized, unable to stop staring at him. Broad shoulders filled out the tailored shirt he wore tucked inside dark trousers.
His handsome face was framed by nearly black hair. Instead of wearing it gathered in the signature braid down his back, tonight he wore it loose. A slight wave curled through its length past his shoulders. Standing there, he looked more like a barely contained sex god than the well-known, no-nonsense businessman. Fire danced in his dark eyes. Her pulse quickened.
“Shall we go inside?” he asked, and pinned her to the door while he leaned past her to press his thumb on the security pad by the door.
“Does everyone get fingerprinted?” she asked, tilting her head down, hoping the angle was enough for Ollie to get a good shot.
“Only the regulars,” he smiled.
The door lock clicked open.
“There’s no turning back once you step through the looking glass.” His smile spread wider.
Alexia licked her lips. She’d come too far to turn back now. Had he seen through her façade? She assured herself he had no way of knowing her true intent in being there. She could sense Ollie freaking out on the other end of the video feed but took comfort knowing her friend would call the police if she needed rescuing.
She squared her shoulders and no
dded with a slight smile.
“Welcome to my world, Alexia,” he said, pushing the handle down. The door eased open and the music blared from the darkened room. He steadied her as they moved through the opening, his arm wrapped possessively around her waist.
The heavy steel door slammed shut behind them and she jumped. Suddenly, the music stopped. Her ears rang. She strained to see in the dimly lit room. Their footfalls were muffled by plush carpet. Her heart pounded hard in her chest. Her knees weakened and threatened to give under each step she took closer to her prize. An electric charge filled the space between them and she cleared her throat when he tugged her closer.
A different kind of music drifted from the darkness and she blinked as her eyes adjusted. In front of her was a wall of red curtains suspended from the very high ceiling. They swayed and fluttered all around them. Sultry grinding music filled the room.
“What is this place?” she whispered, and he threaded his fingers through hers in a tight clasp, leading her through the maze of silk draperies. The room was large and the panels stretched endlessly into the darkness. She stopped when she glimpsed shadows moving behind them. She squinted and was able to make out the silhouettes of men and women.
Haden’s arm came around her waist and they stepped around one of the panels. Remembering Ollie was watching on the other end of the hidden camera. She turned to make a slow pan of the room. She imagined Ollie’s mouth slackening into a perfect oh followed by my god as the scene flashed across the screen.
“Haden?” she whispered, and strained to see beyond the curtains where a diffused spotlight shone.
“You wanted to know.” His low, sexy voice sent shivers cascading down her back. His released the handclasp and glided his hand up her arm, trailing his fingers to her neck.
“I don’t understand,” she said, tilting her head to look up at him. He leaned over and brushed his lips over hers and all thoughts of scooping the big story faded in the haze clouding her mind. She loved the way his lips felt. How they tasted. The way his tongue plunged into her mouth and claimed hers. She was lost in his ardor.
Her mind whirled and she realized the room was…breathing. She rejected the thought, yet beneath the music was a chorus of pants and moans. Breaking from his kiss, she gasped for air, glimpsing past the curtain walls. Light flickered and peeked between the drapery folds each time the material swayed from the blast of air conditioning from the ceiling.
As though reading her mind, Haden broke from the kiss and nodded toward the draperies.
“I sense your curiosity, love. Come, let me show you the magic of my Sanctuary,” he murmured in her ear, and guided her through the maze of draperies.
“What is all this?” Her question was answered when he held the last panel aside. Her stare widened on a round bed spotlighted on a sunken stage.
She looked up at Haden and then back at the bed, neatly made with red, silk linens. She felt the heat of stares and turned to look around the room, surprised to see couples slightly hidden behind the fluttering panels. Their entwined bodies writhed as though choreographed to the music. Suddenly she was having second thoughts. There was no way she could just step down onto the stage and have sex with him in front of these strangers.
Yet the thought sent an excited streak racing through her and Alexia was disturbed by how arousing such a vision was. Before tonight, before tasting Haden’s kisses, she’d have said no, but now…
Just as she was about to ask him, a couple emerged from across the room. Their lithe and perfectly sculpted bodies undulated beneath the soft lights. They stopped at the foot of the bed, clinging to each other as they swayed to the exotic music.
She couldn’t move. Mesmerized, she watched the man lower the woman onto the bed, running his hands up her bare legs and beneath the short hemline of her dress. Alexia held her breath, unable to believe what she was seeing. Haden stood behind her and she could feel his eyes moving over her, slipping to the low cut of her dress, sensing the heat of his gaze moving to dip below her waist. He encircled his arms around her and tugged her against him. Any question about his arousal vanished when his erection pressed into the small of her back.
“Don’t be afraid.” His breath fell down her neck. “Relax,” he whispered with that deep baritone that made her want to feel him inside her. He ground his hips into her.
“I-I’m not afraid,” she gulped.
The man on stage tugged the woman’s panties down her legs and over the stiletto heels. Alexia’s heart palpitated. She thought she was prepared for what she might witness in The Sanctuary and had even been aroused by the thought of voyeurism. But this was more than she’d imagined.
The room suddenly felt crowded as more couples emerged from behind the draperies and stood so close Alexia could feel the sexual energy radiating from them like an electrical current. It was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. She braved a look at the couple beside her and gasped when she met the man’s knowing gaze. The woman sank to her knees and slowly unzipped his trousers. Alexia looked away, running her tongue over her lips.
She heard the man beside her groan and the room grew louder with the sounds of lovemaking. Haden’s hands roamed over her body in bold familiarity. She stood staring at the couple on the bed, unable to move. The man had disrobed and the woman was now naked. She lay on the bed with her legs spread open, running a red-nailed finger up and down the length of her slit.
Alexia’s throat dried. Haden nuzzled her neck and she rested her head against his chest. Haden shifted and the panel now blocked her view. It swayed in front of them and she strained to see past the red silk. The drapery teased her with a brief glimpse of the couple. The man now kneeled at the foot of the bed and held the woman’s ankles in his hands. The slit in the drapery widened. The man tugged the woman down the mattress to him.
The panel swayed closed and her pulse throbbed. The drapery shifted just enough to allow her a slight peep at the couple. The man ran his tongue down the length of the woman’s slit and she moaned, writhing on top of the silky sheets.
Haden’s hand closed over one of her breasts and Alexia pressed her back into his cock. Her nipples ached to feel his lips cover them. Fire licked her pussy.
“I want you.” The sound of his sexy voice sent shivers racing down her arms.
The man moved over the woman, but the wall of red shielded the stage once more. Alexia whimpered.
“You like watching.” Haden ran his tongue over her ear, flicking his tongue. Goosebumps raced down her back.
The drapery billowed out under a sudden burst of air and her stare riveted to the man’s backside. She licked her lips watching him pound his cock into the woman as he fucked her.
Haden’s hand trailed over Alexia’s abdomen and she tried to look away from the couple on the bed, but their open lovemaking held her captive. The sucking sound of the man’s cock slipping in and out of the woman’s pussy echoed around them.
Hot pulses lashed her pussy and Alexia closed her eyes, slipping past her fear of what was happening to her and giving over to the excitement.
“You’re driving me crazy,” she panted, and he responded by massaging her breasts, rolling his tongue inside her ear.
Her eyes burned from the scorching heat of her arousal. She watched the woman lift onto her knees and take the man’s cock in her mouth.
Haden’s hand dipped beneath the bodice of her dress and Alexia’s breath caught in her throat. Her body trembled in anticipation as his fingers plunged past the lace bra and closed over a hardened nipple. She moaned and he squeezed the puckered bud. Delightful quickening pulses rushed to her pussy and she released a ragged breath, murmuring his name.
At that moment, Alexia abandoned her mission. She no longer cared if Ollie witnessed her seduction. There was only one need—to feel Haden’s cock moving in and out of her pussy. Heavy eyelids fluttered open and her attention drifted to the other couples.
One man had shed his shirt while the woman he was with hiked he
r dress to her hips and bent forward. Her gaze widened when the man unzipped his pants and freed his engorged cock.
Alexia couldn’t believe what she was witnessing, and at the same time was so hot and so aroused that she wanted Haden to do the same thing to her. She didn’t care if she was in a roomful of people. She needed him. Now.
Chapter Two
Haden moved one hand over her abdomen and dug into the dress as he tried to cup her pussy, but the fabric wouldn’t give. He groaned and his lips left her ear to slide down her neck where his tongue traced small circles to her shoulder. Under his caresses, a new volley of sensations seized her. Perspiration beaded along her spine. She’d never felt so aroused and in need of a man as she was at that moment. She glanced sideways, noticing some of the couples watched other couples making love, while some were so engrossed in each other she doubted they were even aware of the stares moving over them.
Haden’s fingers brushed her thigh and slid underneath the dress hem. The hem rode up her thighs. Alexia tilted her hips to ease the material enough so he could inch his hand over the edge of her panties. His fingers slipped beneath the material and hot liquid rushed from her pussy.
He parted the lips of her pussy. She held her breath in anticipation of his finger at last stroking her swollen clit and gasped when he brushed the sensitized nub. The faint brush of his fingertips set her pulse drumming and streaks of pleasure throbbed beneath his massaging. His touch became firmer. Never had any sensation felt so welcomed. She ground into his finger, needing more pressure, and placed her hand over his. She writhed when he teased her clit, driving her into a frenzied need.
Suddenly he shifted, moving his hand from her, and Alexia bit her lower lip to keep from crying out in frustration. The couple on stage grew more frantic in their heat. The unmistakable sound of a zipper set her pulse pounding. She held her breath, waiting.